I have discovered a secret....and it's in my body.
There's a secret place inside my body that until recently I didn't even know existed. How could I have lived inside this body for 47 years and not have known it? Yet that is what happened. How could I have been so estranged from my physical vehicle? Yet that is how it was. Like a long-term mate devoid of appreciation for the person they share living quarters, I overlooked the everyday mystery of my one true partner. The New Age movement is rife with suggestions on how to feel better. People everywhere espouse about ways to love the self more fully. I am not referring to any of that. No, mercifully my body in Her gorgeous exquisiteness, Her unending generosity doesn't demand anything. Lately, with all the breaking down of dreams and expectations I wouldn't have the energy anyway. Thankfully my body in Her infinite wisdom meets me where I am. In fact, the more insecure my outer life the more my body beckons me to drop into its folds. In the body, anger throbs a pul...